About Barnes North
Starting in summer 2025, Barnes North will introduce artist-led experiences centered on joy and wellness to North Philadelphia neighborhoods. This new initiative builds on the success of Barnes West, our creative placemaking program serving West Philadelphia since 2018. Celebrating North Philly’s vibrant neighborhoods and unique voices, Barnes North will foster new connections between artists, residents, businesses, and agencies that are deeply invested in uplifting their own communities.
What’s On
2025 Everyday Places Artist Partnerships
Artists are at the core of our community-centered work. This summer, we’ll select a group of artists to partner with “everyday” locations in the neighborhood—including public parks, civic centers, and community organizations—to build interactive, participatory projects that engage with the business or site and residents. Are you a North Philly–based social impact artist ready to join our inaugural cohort? Apply now through April 11.
Para información en español, por favor visite la aplicación completa aquí.
Community spaces are vital to the success of Everyday Places Artist Partnerships. Everyday places like parks, recreation centers, salons, service organizations, and restaurants are important locations in neighborhoods that build community. Philadelphia Parks and Recreation centers are strongly encouraged to apply! Apply now through April 11.
Para información en español, por favor visite la aplicación completa aquí.

Barnes North is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.
Lead support for community engagement and family programs at the Barnes is provided through the Comcast Center for Community Engagement at the Barnes. Generous endowment support for community engagement programs is provided by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), and additional annual support for these programs comes from generous individual, corporate, and foundation donors.