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FAQ: Field Trips

How do I make a field trip reservation?
Complete the request form, and a member of the School Programs team will reach out to you.

Where is the Barnes?
Unless otherwise indicated, all visits take place at our Philadelphia campus, located at 2025 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19130. See below for information about bus drop-off.

How many students/chaperones can I bring?
We can accommodate up to 60 students for each guided tour. Larger groups will be asked to schedule their visits on multiple days/times.

We require one adult chaperone for every 10 students for pre-K and kindergarten groups, and one adult for every 15 students for first grade and up.

We can accommodate a maximum of two adults for every ten students for pre-K and kindergarten groups and two adults per 15 students for first grade and up. Groups with additional chaperones or family members, such as homeschool groups, may be asked to self-guide.

How do I book my bus?
Philadelphia public and charter schools and Delaware Valley Catholic school participants qualify for free transportation and are responsible for booking and confirming their buses to and from the Barnes through Philly Transportation (sharon@phillytrans.us, 215.842.1222) or Yellowbird Bus Company (215.289.1022). Invoices from other bus companies will not be paid. Invoices from schools not eligible for free transportation will not be paid. Schools other than those outlined above should book transportation per their school’s normal procedure.

When should we arrive/leave?
Students should arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled start time, with name tags on. A staff member will meet you in the lobby. Students on tours at the Barnes cannot self-tour or stay in the building after their scheduled tour; immediate pickup is required unless previous arrangements have been made with the Education Department.

Is there a drop-off spot for school buses?
Yes, on Pennsylvania Avenue between 20th and 21st Streets. If you are using a navigation system (GPS), enter the address 2024 Pennsylvania Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Busses should not drop off students at any other location. This is also the address for the Barnes parking lot.

Follow the pathway by the reflecting pool to the main entrance. Teachers should lead their groups through the entry doors and tell security they are here for a school visit. There will be other guests in this area. Please be respectful by walking quietly and calmly.

Can our bus park at the Barnes?
No. The City of Philadelphia does not allow buses to park on city streets. The Philadelphia Parking Authority has designated the Callowhill Bus Center at 114 Callowhill St., between Front and 2nd Streets, as the parking location for buses visiting the Barnes.

What about other travel options?
For those traveling by car, the Barnes has a fee-based lot on Pennsylvania Avenue between 20th and 21st Streets. You'll also find street parking and other lots nearby. The Barnes is within walking distance of several public transportation stops, including the SEPTA #7, #32, #33, #38, #48, and #49 bus routes.

We have bike racks located on the Pennsylvania Avenue side of the campus.

What if I need to change our numbers, reschedule, or cancel our visit?
Please email education@barnesfoundation.org as far in advance as possible to see if your request can be accommodated. The Barnes does not offer refunds for canceled visits. Due to the high demand for programs and field trips, we may be unable to reschedule your visit. Payments, changes, and cancellations (except for emergencies) should take place at least two weeks before your visit.

How do I pay for my field trip?
If applicable, we require school groups to submit payment at least two weeks before the visit date. Please note that we do not issue refunds for school visits. Call 215.278.7300 to pay by credit card or mail checks to:

Education Department
2025 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Attn: School Programs

What if we are running late?
Please email education@barnesfoundation.org to inform a staff member that you will arrive late. If you are not able to email, call 215.278.7300.

Can I view the collection and request images before our visit?
To view our collection and download/request images to prepare for your visit, go to collection.barnesfoundation.org. Once you find an image, scroll down the information page to “download image” or “request image” (if additional permission is necessary). From this page, you can also view the wall ensemble and visually related pieces in the collection. In addition, view our self-guided resources for activities and inspiration.

What rules do we need to follow in the galleries?
We ask that everyone be respectful of one another, the artwork, and our facility as we work together to provide a welcoming environment. See our Visit Guide and other field trip resources for additional information.

Can we eat lunch at the Barnes?
If you have reserved our lunchroom, your guide will assist you in locating the space.

If you do not have space reserved, guided tour groups may not eat lunch inside the Barnes. Weather permitting, your group may eat lunch outside on the benches by the fountain on 20th and the Parkway, or in the Rodin Museum Garden across 21st Street. There are restaurants and other food options within walking distance, including Whole Foods Market, which has a buffet area. Additional nearby dining options can be found on sites such as TripAdvisor.

What can we bring?
Please avoid bringing coats (weather permitting) and large bags unless necessary for medical reasons. Upon entry, all visitors will pass through a security scanner and bags will be inspected. Be prepared to store all coats and bags in the bins provided for your group when you arrive. Chaperones may borrow clear plastic bags from our coat check to hold valuables or store their belongings in lockers on the Lower Level.

Security must check all emergency medical bags and put a sticker on the bag. Bags without stickers are not allowed in the galleries. Please present any bags holding medical supplies to security as soon as you enter the building.

What should I tell chaperones?
Chaperones must stay with the group and help students follow the gallery rules and be aware of their surroundings and emergency exits. Chaperones should expect to check their coats and bags and put their phones away during the tour.

Can I guide my students?
We do not permit lectures or tours by anyone other than Barnes staff.

Can you provide a list of artworks our group will see?
We don’t have a set list of artworks to share with you. Each group may see slightly different works during their visit; some paintings or objects may be off display that day, and some rooms may have other groups in them and be unavailable. In other words, be flexible. If there are images or topics you are most interested in seeing, you can include that information on the visit request form. You can also view and download images online.

Visiting with disabilities:
Our entire facility is accessible to standard-size wheelchairs. Because of the small size of the collection galleries, some larger mobility devices may not be accommodated in all rooms.

A limited number of wheelchairs are available on-site. Please email education@barnesfoundation.org to request a wheelchair.

Breastfeeding is welcome wherever the parent is comfortable. Bottles and other types of feeding are not allowed in the galleries. Please email education@barnesfoundation.org to request the use of the lactation room.

Quiet space is accessible for students who need time or space away from the galleries to contemplate, absorb, or destress. Your Barnes educator can point out these locations.

How can I contact the Education Department?
Email us at education@barnesfoundation.org or call 215.278.7300.

Watch Our Field Trip Orientation Video