Fun and creative art activities that families can try at home.
Family Art Time
Keep kids of all ages engaged with projects inspired by your favorite artists and objects in the Barnes collection.
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The French artist Jean Baptiste Guiraud painted this view of the city of Bordeaux in 1884. Try drawing your own city! (ages 5+)

Jean Baptiste Guiraud. View of Bordeaux, 1884
Georges Seurat created many of his paintings using a special technique called pointillism. Make your own painting using this technique. (ages 3+)

Georges Seurat. Entrance of The Port of Honfleur, 1886
Henri Rousseau was known for painting exotic landscapes from his imagination. With inspiration from Rousseau, bring your dream garden to life. (ages 3–12)
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Lights, camera, action! Let’s create a poem inspired by Charles Demuth’s acrobatic dancer! (ages 8–12)
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Create your own tapestry design inspired by our special exhibition on French businesswoman Marie Cuttoli. (ages 5–12)
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Cézanne’s still lifes look good enough to eat! Follow our simple recipe to make a delicious fruit smoothie inspired by the colors in his painting. (ages 5–12)
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Landscape paintings connect with the outdoors. What do you see outside your window? Buildings? Nature? Animals or people? Colors? Shapes? Use your careful looking skills to draw a landscape from your own neighborhood. (ages 3–12)
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Learn about light in art and make a festive lantern.
Henri Rousseau was a self-taught artist who often included exotic plants and flowers in his paintings. Look closely at the shapes and colors in this painting and then draw your own bright bouquet! (ages 3–12)
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Henri Rousseau. Bouquet of Flowers with China Asters and Tokyos, 1910. BF580. Public Domain.
Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh liked to paint places where he lived or visited, often from memory. Can you imagine your own colorful houses? (ages 5–12)
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Vincent van Gogh. Houses and Figure, 1890. BF136. Public Domain.
Pennsylvania artist Charles Demuth made paintings with precise, sharply defined shapes. Look at all the shapes and lines in the artwork here. Can you recreate them on paper? (ages 8–12)
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Charles Demuth. Bermuda: Stairway, 1917. BF656. Public Domain.
Colorful flowers lift our spirits and inspire artists to capture their beauty in their paintings and in poetry! Take some time to reflect on nature with this activity that combines reflection, poetry, and art. (ages 8–12)
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Qiu Ying. Woman on Bridge-Woman at Window, late 19th century. BF2551. Public Domain.
Watercolor is used for drawing as well as painting on paper. Some artists use a “resist” technique with watercolors to add color, texture, and highlights. Watercolor resists are fun for kids to explore! (ages 3–12)
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Jules Pascin. Southern Landscape with Figures and Horses, c. 1916. BF732. Public Domain.
In this painting, a woman sits at a table with her beloved dog at her side. Let’s draw a portrait that focuses on your favorite animal or imaginary creature. (ages 5–12)
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Pierre Bonnard. Woman with Dog, or Woman and Dog at Table, 1908. BF350. Public Domain.
The Navajo people prized turquoise for its beauty and believed it had sacred powers. You can create your own jewelry using things you find around the house. (ages 8–12)
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Unidentified Maker, Navajo. Cuff Bracelet, c. 1870–1890. A338. Public Domain.
The star of this painting by Philadelphia artist William Glackens is the woman’s incredible hat. Make your own fun hat using household items. (ages 5–12)
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William James Glackens. Woman with Green Hat, c. 1909. BF459. Public Domain.
Navajo blankets were woven in patterns featuring shapes and colors found in nature. You can create your own patterned designs using inspiration from Navajo weavings. (ages 3–12)
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Unidentified Maker, Navajo. Third Phase Chief's Blanket, c. 1870–1880. 01.24.24. Public Domain.
Before Pierre-Auguste Renoir became famous, he painted portraits for the elite of Paris’s art world. Here, he painted an art collector’s young daughter holding her cherished toy, a jump rope. Let’s make a self-portrait with your own favorite toys around you. (ages 5–12)
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Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Girl with a Jump Rope (Portrait of Delphine Legrand), 1876. BF137. Public Domain.
This metalwork, made in France, is a door decoration for the outside of a house. Look carefully. Do you think this might be a door knocker? Get creative and design a door decoration for your home or even your room! (ages 5–12)
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Unidentified Maker, French. Door Decoration, mid-16th century. 01.04.62. Public Domain.
A weather vane, or wind vane, is an instrument that shows the direction the wind is blowing. Create your own weather vane inspired by the ones in our collection. (ages 8–12)
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Unidentified Maker, French. Weather Vane, probably 18th century. 01.02.31. Public Domain.
This boat is actually a floating artist studio, created by the painter Claude Monet. You can make your own artist studio, too—a safe space to focus, experiment, and create artwork. (ages 5–12)
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Claude Monet. The Studio Boat, 1876. BF730. Public Domain.
American artist Susan Cray used a technique called paper-cutting in her artwork. To do so, she cut images out of a dark paper and placed them on top of a light background for contrast. Try it out yourself! (ages 5–12)
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Susan Cray. New Jersey Cut-Out, 1843. BF1182. Public Domain.
This beads of this Zuni Pueblo necklace are made with natural materials like coral, shell, and turquoise. Learn how to make beads out of paper and create your own powerful jewelry. (ages 8–12)
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Unidentified Maker, Zuni Pueblo. Necklace, c. 1880. A334. Public Domain.